Piers as Coach

A Short Interview with Piers Carter

How did you first get into coaching?
Coaching came to my attention 5 years ago when I had a significant conversation with an inspirational coach. The result of which changed my career trajectory – I became a coach myself and set up a successful coaching based practice.
How would you describe your coaching approach?
I am neither a ‘sergeant major’ nor a ‘cheer leader’, rather I act as a collaborative partner who works with you to help you identify and achieve goals, solve problems and to learn and develop. I like to think of myself as always in search of the truth with humour and rigorous investigation of all that is relevant.
I invite you to click on this link to hear and see me talk about my coaching philosophy.
What are your areas of specialism?
My success as a coach has largely been with business people in what I call Productive Conversations. What I have found is that these conversations often focus on the space where life and work overlap – what begins as a work related challenge often merges with the behavioural or emotional impact it has on our wider lives.
What do you enjoy about coaching?
Like no other intervention, coaching moves people forward. This is because I believe we have within us all the resources we need to develop and coaching elicits these resources. There is an honesty and authenticity to the coaching relationship and coachees report experiencing lasting positive change.
What kinds of people and in what roles have you coached before?
I have coached people from middle to snr levels in the corporate and public sectors. The list would include business owners and directors of SMEs, head teachers, managers and leaders from global FMCGs, department heads and members of Boards and Senior Management teams.
How do I know whether you are any good or not?
Some of the people I coach have said the following ...
·       “Just a short note as promised to thank you again for your support over the course of our coaching”
·       “It was a truly life changing experience and has really helped me put into context everything in my head (what there is!).”
·       “You have joined what is a small list of inspirational people for me that have helped shape my career/life journey and for that I thank you.”
·       “Your supportive challenge and guidance was first class.  Finally as someone who is currently struggling with who I am (and is the business happy with this) your portrayed confidence and 'at-one-ness' (if that's a word!!!) is again inspirational.”
·       “Thanks everso and I know our paths will cross again.”